Creative Building and Ecological Building Materials
Tadelakt and Earth Renders
Creative Building

With years of building experience in both traditional and sustainable building, we may be enthousaistic to join you in your project. So many options and directions are possible. For more information please contact us at: Tadelakt@gmail.com
We are a Team that work with mostly ecological and sustainable building solutions. Tadelakt and clay renders, ecological oils and paints etc have been something very special the last decades in Spain and Portugal. In the current world wide changes that are happening we see that there is a huge upcoming interest in Asia as well, especially in India.
Many communites and beautiful private houses or buisnesses are looking for such information, materials and different type of knowledge. We are happy to assist, inform or build with, or for you
Machiel Goverts, Near Ramana Ashram, tiruvannamalai. India.
Fatima Barahona, Lisbon, Portugal