Only two things exist,
One of which doesn´t.
Awareness or Self is true and Truth exists.
Appearance is untrue and untruth does not exist.
That’s what nonduality means.
Source Unknown, and Questionable!
´´Now, at this stage of the life, I am, right There - And Painting is a wonderful expression of what bubbles here, what lives here. India. So much life, the colours, strong people, the abundance of life, birds, skies, and the beauty, culture and power that is held here by the people, it´s all very unique.
Painting comes as a natural expression for me, not trying to paint this or that, not trying to interfere. Just let the Right brain work its ways, be connected. Art is. Allowing Abundance.
Besides translating that, or being a expression of whatever is here onto canvas, I have worked decades in eco building, house creating, fresco mosaics and tadelakt renders and lime-clay construction and done all kinds of ´´spiritual pursuits´´ or ´´meditations´´, sat in ashrams, threw myself into so many explorations and directions, a self-inquiry infinitum, as we all do. Art is life and vica versa.
About Me.
July 77 -
Born in The Low Lands, in 1977, in the very lowest part of the Lowlands, a little village called Kockéngen. Here the dutch life was rather Dutch. Flat, green, cows, bicycling and in those days still rather quiet.
I grew Up Surrounded by beautiful people, wonderful people, artists, spiritual souls and adventurous spirits, loving people; life was safe protected and kind - full of hopes and desire for itself. There was some sort of longing to dissolve into everything. I felt a sense or possibility of magic! I longed for something inside, or outside-inside or inside-outside in….perhaps those days best symbolised by books of Richard Bach, Illusions and Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Castaneda or shamans or later on the weird nondual approach of a living form of what goes by the name Advaita Vedanta.
Even though growing up in the 80ties and the flowers of the 60ties died out already, there was still a hope for a future where humans would thrive, and find sustainability with each other and nature --- To heal perhaps the deep disconnect...
Currently we may be at the brink of such radical new beginning, where a big change, good or not so good might happen.
Now in 2022 the last 2 years have been a big change, shock and adjustment for all of us.
With age of 13 I came the first time to India. That trip changed everything. It was so magical, such a feeling of homecoming.
India was truly magical, beautiful and so colourful. And in many ways, it still is. Even thought here too the digital age is taking a huge toll as well, industrialisation, progess...what about nature, animal kingdoms, mineral and plant kingdoms! ?
I remember when first time I came here, I was shocked that peoples light and joy and spirit was so immense, their life force amazed me, it was immensely magical. A certain choas and carelessness.. a relaxation, aliveness.
The appearing chaos so intense yet such a beautiful symphony of life.
I felt in India a much more connected way of life, people, a natural living, then id feel we were organising ourselves in the west.
INDIA---Beautiful India
So When I first came to India with my Father at age 13 or 14, it was awesome.
´´That was such a mind-blowing heart opening time to travel through Spiti and the High Himalayas, visit these people living there among the Gods. Every moment was like a big spiritual opening - a reconnect with Life, a life I didn’t see in western Europe, it changed everything´´.
Prior to that moment, I was already drawn to books by Alexandra David-Neel, Carlos Castaneda and even Nissargadatta, Ramakrishna, Dzogchen, Shamanism and UG.Krishnamurti... And I loved Music, loads of Music. I played a lot of Jazz Guitar and Old fashion fingerpickin´Blues.
´´Remarkable people came and went through my life, from a young age onward - they somehow, showed or awakened in me the internal-inward like, naked life sense of the vastness of life, a joy or a lightness or an indescribable aliveness that is still miraculously unknown and ungraspable. It’s a sense of unity and perfection with this universe and our beingness that is the most beautiful yet most overlooked or untouched thing in our modern day, day to day life’s´´
We all have this in one way or another, and we all suffer when our light gets dim and when we feel disconnect. Then the Fear comes. Then the anger or hate, jealousy and the whole unconscious trauma of the collective shows its face.
Perhaps the accumulation of meeting such extra ordinairy people, environments and effects, made me as a young 19 year old boy go into Tibetan monasteries and practice their ways. It made me a seeker or poetic at heart.
Id travel around the world for decades, meeting many Saints, Sages, Guru´s and the Rare AntiGuru such as UG Krishnamurti, mister Karlito Renz and many others. I yearned for that Living Alive form of Advaita, not just some texts or books.
And for that one might have to leave it all behind and through away the Crutches.
during many of these travels, Arunachala, A sacred place in Southern India became prominent.
This magnetic mountain is unique. For many this mountain is God...or Godlike..
FOr sure for me its intense, its an everchanging intensity of a dreamlike magical place.
And there on my rooftop I enjoy to paint the paintings.
​,,The flow of life is very mysterious here, intense at times and often not easy , yet super magnetic, it’s not all happy ever after, but it’s has a strong dreamlike in-between charm, somehow connected to everything yet on its own, it’s very unique´´ - Arunachala, the fire mountain, for the local Tamil population Is Shiva. God. A place of intensity, FIRE-energy.
´´Here it´s said: the false I (controller) is outrooted and whatever remains, remains: Life Living.
It is said the mountain holds/Is the Origin of All and Everything. Its Pure light, Pure being, the Inner guru /outer Guru in reality and as an ´´outer´´ Pointer.
It’s The Same place that was the lifelong home for the now famous Ramana Maharshi.
´´Now, at this stage of the life, I am, right There - And Painting is a wonderful expression of what bubbles here, what lives here. So much life, the colours, strong people, the abundance of life, birds, skies, and the beauty, culture and power that is held here by the people, it´s all very unique.
Painting comes as a natural expression for me, not trying to paint this or that, not trying to interfere. Just let the Right brain work its ways, be connected. Art is.
Besides translating that, or being a expression of whatever is here onto canvas, I have worked decades in eco building, house creating, fresco mosaics and tadelakt renders and lime-clay construction and done all kinds of ´´spiritual pursuits´´ or ´´meditations´´, sat in ashrams, threw myself into so many explorations and directions, a self-inquiry infinitum, as we all do. Art is life and vica versa.
QXSUBSPACE QUANTUM BIO FEEDBACK: ´´Something Extraordinary´´
​``Beside ART - I love to work with a certain form of ´´ HEALING´´ or I actually have not really a good explanation or name to give to the uniqueness of the invention of the Scio biofeedback Device.
Its called biofeedback, because for the registration, so that’s were it can be put. But this device is much more then just biofeedback.
QxBiofeedback (the amazing invention of bill nelson/desiree doubonet, the scio, indigo, eductor, quex-ed) `` it’s something extraordinary``
Biofeedback opens a multitude of inner or outer doors - it works with the body electric, the energy or energies we are, its revives, balances and regenerates in actual feelable ways.. On all levels. Mental emotional spiritual physical and definitely touches all the unseen layers as well.
It’s a great way to stimulate creativity or build up strength, immunity, release old patterns, heal and on and on.
its definably worth to try! This machine has a lot of meaning in my life since around 2012.
More on that on the website below -
2021 -
Currently we are making an real attempt of setting up an organic Micro greens Farm and Organic Hydro-Aguaponic farm in Tiruvannamalai, maybe even vanilla and spice farm as well.
We are very open to contributions! We have saved enough to pay for a bigger Hydroponic setup but still lack the land..
By buying a Painting, you will contribute to this and we can soon afford to buy the necessary land. For more information on this and our project, please write to tadelakt@gmail.com