Quantum Bio Feedback
Experience a long distance (Subspace) healing Session or a traditional session with the Eductor/Omnis - experience its potential, dna repair epi genetic activation , re-charging of our ''batteries'' and vitalizing our cells, tissue, spirit mind heart and body - the ´´Body Electric´´.
The Eductor works with the Human Energy Field. Its both information resonance therapy, deep quantum healing, with intent and clarity as well as an actual repair of the electrical being/cells that we are made of - as we are made up of electric matter, energy fields, we are basically an accumulation of all our ancestors before us - that's a lot of genetic material, programs, information and imprints.
Let a session gently stimulate a beautiful deep healing & nourishment and re-activate that healing / balancing potential from within.
Let a Session En -Lighten You.
These devices and what they can do is something truly different, marvelous and is rarely reached by any other great alternatives therapies.
They are here to help us, stimulating an inert extraordinary deep regeneration capacity of our body and setting pace for deep balancing and synthesis of body, mind, spirit and environment.
Quantum Biofeedback can effectively work with regeneration of our electrical being - the body electric. Results can be instantly felt or gently being integrated into the field, or rather fields- the energy we are. This is an invention that surpasses way beyond what we believe to be possible. Both onhand/connected sessions as well as Subspace (distant) sessions have a big effect, and work.
I can vouch for the devices made be Bill Nelson/Desire Dubounet. Many other modern devices are on the market by i have not seen the same effects.
Generally seen, a session with a real quantumbiofeedback device will have a big effect and can be felt. Even though the frequency is very subtle. The device sends thousands of subtle frequencies to the body, measuring the responses and the body's reactivity. It keeps adjusting until the best resonance required is there. We work with most holistic mediums that are known to men. From energy signature of crystals, acupuncture, rife, nlp, homeopathy, homeotoxology, sarcodes, nosodes, isodes to almost all holistic herbal remedies, vitamins, parasites, toxicity, endocrine, EEG , ECG, Morphic Field enhancement of clearance, chakra cleansing or rebalancing, cleaning karma or working with depression, anxiety and all other kinds of underlying conscious and subconscious/unconscious reactivity and stressors.
There are hundred's of different programs in the machine, and in the synergy or connectedness between the readiness of a clients life, a highly sensitive & beautiful device and a well trained therapist, small miracles can and do occur.
Something important that is not to forget is "the responsibility".
As in each true holistic approach the more the client can take responsibility for the discomfort or ''dis-ease'' that is there, the quicker healing is possible. If this is an issue, on resistance and resistance to change or addiction we can do specific protocols.
For an Anti smoking program to work, for example a client needs to have intention and make effort to stop smoking. This is true for every pattern or program that we may be facing. The stronger the Intention the bigger the result.
Quantum Biofeedback works beautifully with any other healing modality. Its always recharging and strengthening our system.
Subspace sessions are more subtle but very much recommendable.
A normal session will last 2 hours, Yet Shorter 1.15 hour sessions repeated more frequently are another great approach. Both are very much like a "Training'' for our body-mind-spirit-enviroment Being we are .
For price information contact me at tadelakt@gmail.com or whatsapp +91 9597544114
prices can be tailored.
I prefer to work with a few session in a row, to be able to reach what we need to reach.
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Thank you for visiting my website and having interest in such a beautiful possibilities!
Besides the magic of this type of approach, me and partner QXsubspace representative www.Bioquantumworld.com also work with The Healy. The Healy is a specific home and day to day small pocket seize biofeedback machine, that is wonderful additionally to strengthen daily more specific organs, or other.

Due to censorship: ''the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security." thus most videos that were beautiful showing and talking about what true healing, health is and can be, are no longer available. These videos where not even close to the subject of virus or injections. However they are all archived in the website I am Flix. The imune library however is currently still accesible.