Spiritual and Emotional growth
Superlearning and Validated Research over 50 years of Biofeedback
The work with Brain and Sport Stimulation done by the Eductor and its predecessors is well documented. The above video is a great introduction to this.
Working with brain wave training and superlearning is a wonderful experience for the client or trainee.
All Approved and validated research on this subject you can find by pressing the button below. Enjoy!
Subspace, Long distance sessions and Spiritual Healing
Subspace long Distant Eductor Based Sessions -- Quantum or Spiritual Healing.
Besides regular biofeedback within the cybernetic loop the Scio/Eductor works through Subspace starting at quantic molecular levels of energy, initiating healing balance.
We are all made out of these matters. everything is. How it works and how it is integrated into these devices and software will take up to a 600-hour study in order to get a grip on Quantum Mechanics.
There is a button below linking to an amazing subspace book.
And there is an explanation of the basics, What we can know practically, is that this subspace - distant healing sessions can be very effective.
"Everything is energy and beyond that is supreme intelligence" - Albert Einstein

Are Subspace
Sessions Effective?
How Does the Eductor find a person, place or pet on long distance?
The EDUCTOR/SCIO device takes over 11,000 measurements on the human system during the session. This process is known as electro-dermal screening and it electronically measures the biological energies of the human system putting it into huge Matrix Long. Distance Subspace Healing assessments have a 98% accuracy compared with individuals connected to the EDUCTOR/SCIO machine by wires.
Are Subspace sessions effective?
It is extremely effective. Clients literally call in from all over the world. Most recipients feel the energy almost immediately. Depending on the situation, an additional session or more may be called for. There are no negative side effects from Long Distance Healing, and most people, children and pets respond very rapidly. Long Distance Sessions are simple and very effective!
Long Distance Healing is the EDUCTOR/SCIO energetic healing process done through quantum physics principles. In scientific circles this is known as non-local healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of healing is extremely effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The medical establishment has performed many double-blind studies that also prove the effectiveness of this type of therapy.
It is a medically proven fact that prayer heals. How does prayer reach the right person? By intent. How does Quantum EDUCTOR/SCIO distance healing find the right person? Through intent, but also through the resonant frequency number that the device locates for a particular human being via for example a hair sample. It is similar to a universal cell phone number. To locate this number, it is necessary to have a person’s name, date and place of birth. What makes the EDUCTOR/SCIO unique and very powerful is the connection that is made between the device and the clients subconscious since it is the sub-conscious that is aware of everything that is going on within the body at that point in time. Moreover the subconscious has access to a total history of trauma that has occurred within the body.
All matter (be it tissue, organ, mineral, compound or any substance) vibrates at its own specific and unique frequency resulting from electric charges of the particles at the atomic level. This fact is demonstrated through the science Of spectroscopy.
The quantum level (atomic) electromagnetic fields of the human body, including conscious and sub-conscious energy forces have been measured and proven to extend beyond the confines of the human body. This can be demonstrated on the EDUCTOR/SCIO for both the heart and the sub-conscious. There is no known limit to the travel distance of these measured energy forces.
The EDUCTOR/SCIO uses patented technology to identify and connect to the body's unique quantum energy fields. This dimension, unique to the EDUCTOR/SCIO, allows distant (non-local) sessions between the EDUCTOR/SCIO and the client in Subspace mode.
NLP -Spiritual and Emotional Growth , Trauma release and cellular Healing
The Cybermagnetic Chair in Addition to the Eductor.
A big part of the Eductor is the "NLP program". And Its a world on its own.
We can work here with emotional trauma release on cellular levels which is a truly deep and amazing program. Here we can consider dissipating Karma, and work with that an entire session - a letting go of the effects of past energy beliefs, patterns, and setups on deep electrical structures and levels... We work here with the brain and the neurotransmitters or decide to stimulate spiritual, energetic healing and growth.
We can work with ´´resistance to change´´ as an obstruction to healing.
Electro transcendental meditative training and lucid dreaming are also parts of this massive program.
We can do traditional NLP based sessions tuned and combined with the quantum biofeedback capacities of the device. This combination is very powerful.
We can measure, release, and work with unconscious ideas, beliefs, structures of thought, de-hypnosis, and release spiritual oppression.
We can work with all emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental energetics in relationship to our tissues, organs.
We can work with all our energetic emotional aspects and bring them into balance and awareness.
Other programs that go hand in hand with the NLP-Page would be Body Scan, chakra/aura cleaning, and brain wave relaxation training, ECG, EEG.
The Cybermagnetic Chair:
The Cybermagnetic Chair is an amazing addition to the Eductor. it adds another dimension to the Eductor Experience. It balances, restructures the water and magnetic fields in and around our body, and is very relaxing.