Stress Reduction
Stress and Stressors
Quantum Biofeedback is a Holistic and Natural Way that uses Stress Reduction aiming to stimulate our immune system. Enhancing innate healing and stimulating our regenerative capacities. Working with the body wisdom - that innate intelligence on many levels.
Quantum Biofeedback is here to train us with resonance biofeedback to balance the body on all energetic, electrical and magnetic levels and train our system to reduce STRESS, naturally.
Reducing stress, and our stress reactivity, bringing in peace and relaxation is the first step.
Without a medical license, it's not a tool for any kind of diagnostic,
treat cure or disease prevention method - in any case, its recommended
to always consult a regular medical expert. We are all different, and each moment of our life may need a different approach, quantum biofeedback can prove itself very useful.
A big part of the coming about of the first device made by Dr. Bill nelson was his friendship and admiration with Hans Selye. Selye was the first scientist that studied Stress.
There is positive stress that makes you, maybe, do something, take action, or, sometimes, do too much! But it keeps you alive, makes you creative, moves, or relax, stresses that you can enjoy, learn from, laugh about, or stress that may be funny.
And then there is another type that creates tension a stress burden. Weight, mental, emotional, physical, toxic, or energetic.
So this is the stress that can be emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, environmental or even genetic or ancestral or miasmic as they call it in Homeopathy. But mostly is all of the above. When we talk about stress reduction, it is these stressors that machine works to relax, heal, detox.
Causes and types of stress are varied and can run with us for generations -- and here is a simple list, just to name a few stressors:
Parasites, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, psychical trauma, excess negativity, negative emotions, negative thought patterns, and internal overload of toxicity, depletion of nutrients, depletion of fatty acids, lack of minerals, lack of amino acids, dehydration, spiritual oppression, stress full beliefs, disturbance inflow of energy, emotional trauma, leftovers of food poisoning, after effect of vaccinations, accumulation of pesticides, stress from relationships, degeneration of tissue, money worry, stress through work, depression, sickness, worry, smoking, addictions, caffeine, shock, lack of enzymatic activity or depletion of enzymes, astrological stress, stress from negative self-criticism, hate and judgment, busying yourself too much external with others or internal with yourself. Food or any other phobia's or obsessions, Lack of Awareness, lack of humor, seeking approval, psychic disturbance, Environmental Stressors. Brainwave disturbances. Heartrate disturbances, Damage in DNA, Geopathic stressors. Lack of exercise. Past life or ancestral miasmic influence, and drain of energy on any level seen or unseen.
And the list can go on and on!
Quantum biofeedback works to reduce the stressors or relax our reactivity within the Stress Burden.
The idea is not to free ourselves entirely from it, but to find ways to cope with it all, so we don’t lose energy, and become eventually become sick. Of course quantum biofeedback is a great possibility to stimulate our body and mind to start detox using the anti aging and homotoxicology program.

"This Type of Energy Medicine is around for a few decades only -
up to date & all combined in its current form, it is rather special
and highly advanced"
It is subtle and works on Deep Cellular Levels. Balancing The Energy Fields we are made of, and combining both Quantum Theory, Technology, Innovation, Passion, Humor and mostly a vast amount of both Modern and Ancient Plant Based Medicinal, Integrated, Physiological, Psychological & holistic Knowledge that is available on our Planet.
QBF holistic Stress Reduction & Re-education of the Unconscious and
the Body Electric has tremendous possibilities and potential in this modern world that is full of toxins, stress, modern day wellness sickness & dis-ease.
The Device can help with
De-Stress - restore the flow of energy,
thus enhancing the Body Electric...
Vitalising that Electric Dynamic Energy
that is flowing in us.
We could all do well to reduce Stress, the Stressors and Stimulate
Detox through Quantum Biofeedback - muscle tissue reactivity re education or training with the vast intelligence that we are. Its just gently reminding the body with subtle flow of information what it can do. What its physiological potentials are.
Some resources:
Medical Research Validation of the SCIO
Research Validation of the GSRtDCs Eductor to enhance Sport + School Performance