About QBF
A Session -
How does it work?

About the
The Eductor is the newest device, faster and highly sensitive:
Precise Measurements and Therapy are outstanding.
EDUCTOR measures real-time EEG, ECG, GSR, EMG, and TVEP, and treats MTENS, MCES, GSR tDCs, EWH.
Increased effectiveness
EDUCTOR addresses stress and lifestyle, reduces pain, increases performance, reduces anxiety, heals injuries, corrects pH, balances the body electric
The Cybernetic Loop
EDUCTOR measures the Body Electric and adjusts therapy accordingly, to increase safety and efficacy of the treatment applied
Who can use Quantum Biofeedback?
When one does a session with the Eductor quantum biofeedback device it works with your unique resonance and frequency pattern - each person, plant, animal, or object has its own unique energy imprint.
In biofeedback a client is attached to the device with a harness. This means ankle & wrist straps plus a headband. Within the software we are then putting in the information: the client's name, birthplace, date, photo, and concerns. Next there is a unique calibration of the present reactivity and we continue to the main matrix test - a unique electrical imprint of your frequency and responses will be recorded.
Once this initial imprint is there, we can start.
Sessions do not replace other forms of alternative healing or a doctor’s care but rather complements them by assisting the body to heal itself naturally and reducing or removing stressors, which contribute to illness. People suffering from the following conditions often respond well to stress reduction with the EPFX-SCIO/INDIGO and EDUCTOR device.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Physical Injuries
Learning Disabilities
Weight loss
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue Arthritis
Immune disorders
Eating disorders
Basically any human, animal, or even an object/space or land-living can greatly benefit from this type of therapy. The device works gently with our energetic being, not against it.
Our experience will be amazingly different each time we do a session and there are no side effects, except good ones. It works both traditional as well as within quantum physics using Subspace - joining here a sector what´s these days called spiritual healing/growth and transformation. (besides the research done on these devices Dr.Leonard Laskow and Dr. Rubert Sheldrake are people that can show research-based evidence in this sector.
Quantum biofeedback with the scio, indigo, or eductor is a deeply relaxing experience bringing you to those deep innate levels of inner you, where, due to modern-day stressors we rarely spent our time.
A session is always a deep rebooting of our self, our basic programs, and information, giving our bodies/innate intelligence the capacity to regenerate and pick up a great deal of fresh feedback information about itself. Our bodies actually learn about themselves on a super-fast level and then integrating it right away. The body is highly intelligent on these matters. It adjusts by itself simply using the information the Eductor provides. Using the device as its source and companion.
In these modern times, it could be a really great deal for anyone to regularly, or semi-regularly have a session with one of these three magical devices.
RELAX: Quantum Biofeedback is a great way to discharge the body from all kinds of toxic or burdening electric magnetic disturbances we are constantly affected by. A great way to relax the mind, and give us some space, helping us to maintain mental emotional and physical fitness.
DETOX: These devices work with over 10.000th homeopathic signatures of plants, medicines, crystals, homeopathic sarcodes, isodes, nosodes, nutrition, foods, and much more. All frequencies of parasites, viruses, biowarfare, vaccinations, bacteria, toxic elements on this planet are in it as well. The body can become aware of them through feedback and start its own detox procedures.
DECHARGE: It works to de-charge our body electric from perverse energy (electrical smog) from modern-day life from cell phones, computers, laptops, microwaves, wind, sun, tv, geopathic stress, airplane travels and the like. We work with programs to help to stimulate the absorption of minerals, nutrition, fatty acids, amino acids, etc.
The Eductor features many ways and programs, whom we run often simultaneously.
Such as chakra, chakra/organs, acupuncture, injury, energy signature Matrix Trivector flow, homeopathy, NLP, DNA-repair, TCM, Bach flower essences relaxation, Emotional balancing, Brain heart nervous system training, General relaxation and re-balancing, Super-learning, Digestion, Enzyme-nutrition-hormonal, Light remedies, Body viewer, BIG, sports stimulation, Pain management, spinal … all working/training with the body electric to get feedback so it automatically brings itself into balance. We always work with the body-mind and not against it.
There are Programs to work with emotion, our fight and flight mechanisms, brainwave training, addiction, weightloss, phobia, male or female problems, trauma, eye programs, immune building, digestion, pain, sports, spirituality, and meditation, etc.
It is a type of therapy or training that can be very helpful weekly, monthly, half-yearly, or yearly.
The devices have a huge ZAP menu, using traditional and advanced ways from Clark or Rife to zap pathogens, etc. It is great to work with this when the body is obstructed or exhausted because of an imbalance on those levels. To zap viruses, bacteria, food poisoning, spirochetes, vaccinations, worms, fungi, EPV, chronic fatigue, or zap to feel good, bring balance in the bowel, the endocrine system, hormone streaming, etc. Zapping can be en-lightening!
What Is Quantum Bio
Its History:
A short story on the SCIO and its capacities
The SCIO Quantum Biofeedback System, now entering the third decade of its development journey, and leading the field of Bio-Energetic and Bio-Response measurement, is the accepted standard for the application of Quantum Biofeedback.
The SCIO developed into the indigo and its latest fastest model became the Eductor. All devices are still on the market, and each has so to say a different flavour.
The SCIO – Quantum Biofeedback System, and the Eductor the latest and most up-to-date technology, takes a multitude of different stress reduction programs, methods, and techniques, and merges them into a more simple – best overall – well rounded approach. Quantum Biofeedback, working through sixteen different electrical factors of the body, calculates combinations of impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, and resistance for Electro-Physiological Reactivity (The Xrroid Process). The body is indeed electric; therefore reactivity in the body can be measured electrically.
E-P Reactivity results are based upon the ability to establish a “Tri-Vector” connection for an energetic “3-Dimensional” view of the client’s current reactions to over 10,000 different items. All accomplished completely independent of user influence to help avoid bias or error. The picture painted by the reactions may help to create a better understanding of the individual factors pertinent to lifestyle and wellness. Once established, the Quantum Biofeedback auto-focus program, designed to monitor a client’s reactions, helps optimize the quality and quantity of the stress reduction results.
The techniques and methods of Quantum Biofeedback stress reduction include addressing areas those most typically affected by the stressors of “every-day living”. Some examples of these methods and areas are the “tri-vector”, “auto-meridian”, “auto-frequency”, “auto-color”, “auto-spinal”, “chakra”, and brain wave pattern relaxation.
The SCIO Device is connected to the client via a head strap, and wrist and ankle bands. SCIO devices are being used worldwide by Doctors, Kinesiologists, Dentists, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Homoeopaths, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists, Massage Therapists, and many other professional practitioners.
In addition, many people from all walks of life own and use Quantum Biofeedback Systems, depending on their own personal or professional needs. The SCIO is simple to use and comes with excellent support materials such as help manuals and tutorial DVD’s and CD’s. In fact the inclusive library of available information is an education in itself.
The System is extremely portable; it can be used in a small office, a client’s home, or at an exhibition booth.
The revolutionary EPFX-SCIO Biofeedback Device was created by Professor Bill Nelson of Hungary over a period of many years of research and development to combine holistic medicine with advanced quantum technology. The SCIO biofeedback device makes it possible to query them body for its most acute and chronic conditions or needs and attempt to balance or correct these stressors with focused energetic therapy.
The main premises of quantum biofeedback therapy are that the body is electrical in nature, that it is innately intelligent, that it has the ability to heal itself if the right conditions or stimuli are provided, and that as the client becomes more aware of that which has been unknown to them, they can make changes to improve their wellness.
The EPFX-SCIO scans the body for over10000 frequencies, each associated with a different compound, much as anti-virus software would do for a computer. The EPFX-SCIO operates at biological speeds (up to 1/1000 of a second) charting the resonance or response of the body to these frequencies, comparing them to a norm and ranking them in degree of reactivity, identifying both acute and chronic imbalances. Clients can then be provided information about the results and energetic therapy can be given to attempt a balancing or harmonizing of any aberrant frequencies. Offering over 200 biofeedback therapies in 72 modalities, it is the largest healthcare software package in the world, combining both eastern and western philosophies and techniques.
Modalities include:
Colour Therapy
Scalar Therapy
Darkfield blood analysis
Cranial Sacral
and much more
The Herxheimer Reaction
*A footnote on Healing -- The Herxheimer Reaction / Healing Crisis
The Herxheimer Reaction - (healing crisis) Feeling worse before feeling better
The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms.
This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. The biggest problem with the Herxheimer reaction is that people stop taking the supplement or medication that is causing the reaction, and thus discontinue the very treatment that is helping to make them better. Although the experience may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place.