
I am Machiel Leonard Goverts, born in 1977, in Utrecht in the Netherlands. I come from a family full of beautiful people, loads of love, freedom and artists. As I kid I the loved the magical stories of Alexandra David o Neel and Richard Bach.
In 1993 I went to India to the first time - These massive Himalayas, the smells and deep spiritual nature of that country, the light of the Indian people deeply moved me, changed me, and marked me for the rest of my life. It moves me Still every moment.
Subsequently I got so interested in ´´what happened there?!´´ and went to spend over a year in a Tibetan monastery at age 18. This place was magic. The Tibetan Dzogchen is something special.
It opened up, re-activated internal worlds of experience I never knew existed. It initiated perhaps a subtle energy body/mind/spirit world into some kind of transformation that I have no words for.
I still love some practices and deep body work that I picked up from that time. Namely the Tibetan Tantra like meditation-Yoga called Kum Njee and meditations coming from a course called : Space, Time, Knowledge - series of Tarthang Tulku.
Since then I came along so many techniques and practices, teachers and teachings, coming from an immense amount of beautiful people I met along the way. I often use these tools combined within a Biofeedback session. Many of them are in fact there as programs to navigate with and integrated within the frequency resonance coming from the Eductor.
Since ´97 I have spent years at the base of the famous Mountain Arunachala in Southern Tamil Nadu. The ´´Silence´´ or quality of Life frequency there, is unique. I truly love being there. This is place is part of me. The famous Ramana Maharshi represent the presence of it somehow last century. These days a modern version like K. Renz would. Both play important role in my life the last decades.
Besides biofeedback, I have work with eco building for over 2 decades. I have a lot of fun interest and experience with that and whatever circles around that subject.. I am full of skilful knowledge when it comes to knowhow on building biology and how to build a healthy lifestyle and as well create a supportive clean environment on many levels.
Concerning with Biofeedback: I am a certified Quantum Bio Feedback Therapist at BANHS and I am very much enjoying working with it. I have studied it inside out and have done hundred’s of hours of sessions.. I have spent quite a bit of time with some of the more prominent people in this branch of energy medicine .
Working with this device opens into a never ending exploration of what we are as energy beings.
It Trains us. Invites us, In many directions.
The massive world that this type of energy medicine brings into being is both ancient and avantgarde and extremely fascinating to me.
Bill Nelson, the maker of this device has been a wonderchild and genius and these devices reflects us back the genius and magical energy beings we are. Thank you.