And Nutrition
Nutrition Enzymes and Quantum Biology
Life Giving Supplements
Sessions with the Eductor, are not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. We are working here with Reactivity or Resonance Biofeedback. This means the body reacts to certain items more than others. Either in an allergic or toxic response or with joy and relaxation. However, Quantum Biofeedback is an excellent device to TRAIN us to gain a wholesome lifestyle and nutritional habits that will fit our own unique balance.
It has proven very helpful to work with increasing nutritional absorption, and working with mental, physical, and emotional patterns of addiction, malabsorption and other gut-brain related stress. Its also excellent to through nutritional protocols in combination with adipose tissue repair, stimulating weight loss and stimulating oxygenation, muscles, flexibility, allergic reactivity, and other stress reactions regarding food.
When we do a session, we can see the feedback and reactivity of our body regarding nutrition, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, absorption, our organs, circulation, enzymatic activity, hormonal activity, general health, etc.
Again, this is NOT a Diagnostic Device, but we can get stimulated, supported to work with our bodies, not against them. We can get to feel inspired to make some changes if needed.
Due to our modern world, most of the food we eat is not as rich and nutritious as it used to be. Secondary, we are kind of overeating foods that are hard for us to digest. Some Studies say we start having a big lack of enzymes to help us do so. We should eat more enzyme-rich foods Daily. With the Eductor we can stimulate our enzymatic activity.
There is a toxic burden coming from pesticides and other chemicals, an overload of animal protein, that our bodies in many cases just can’t digest, store, or deal with. Leading to degeneration. With the Eductor we can stimulate detox of specific toxins.
Toxicity combined with stress leads to exhaustion, and eventually perhaps disease.
In my experience, Ayurveda of Hippocrates lifestyle approach, are great ways to improve balance and bring in the Living Food, life-energy, health building, enzyme-rich, and energy enhancing foods.
Watch Quantum Biology from Brain Clement to get a better understanding of this concept.
Stimulating the Life force in order for us to heal faster its what´s that all about, the Eductor device is a great trainer for this branch.
Bringing more regenerative food and habits into our lives is the idea.
By learning to take responsibility we get healthy. By reducing energy stealing foods and draining mental-emotional habits, we can get fit, healthy, and clear fast.
Coming from the above directions I work with a very basic, yet strong and powerful supplement scale, based on the living food lifestyle. Feeding ourselves high-quality nutrition for periods of time.. Doing so up to 70%, enhancing our lifestyle with Algae’s, sprouts, sauerkraut (fermented foods) and Green Juices can do the job fast.
I can coach and help you with this, and you see for yourself how fast one gets recharged or re-structure ourselves back into vitality. When there is your willingness, self-love, enthusiasm, and help from therapies like these.
You could even start growing some indoor kitchen foods, that supply you with strength, resupplying our enzymatic depletions and supporting life.
Below are some Supplements that are helpful, clean, and 100% plant-based.
"Zen Tarwegras" Wheatgrass powder – very high-quality wheatgrass, organic, grown slow throughout winter, only one harvest a year, full of minerals. Harvested and directed potted, in glass jars, ceiled and stored in dark cool places, so as not to lose potency on any level.
"Zen Tarwegras Algae mix"– This is a mix of the highest quality cell opened, properly grown, harvested and stored, Chlorella Sokoriana, Dulce and Spirulina
"Zen Tarwegras Marine PhytoPlankton"– One of the most nutritious things on the planet.
There are a few other products, like the blue-green algae, zen probiotics that I often recommend as well.
Downloads are available for more information about the above products in the link menu.
The rest of the living food would be homegrown like - sprouts, alfalfa, sunflower greens, pea greens, and fermented food. These can make great salads.
Before taking any Supplementation, it is recommended to perhaps read "Supplements Exposed" by Brian Clement. Chemical Supplements can be more harmful than helpful. Synthetic supplements can be hard to digest or toxic, burdening your body. 100% plant-based clean ones are very hard to find. These, however, are the only supplements the body is ready for and can use it. Absorb it well. Digest it well. These plants have been in our life cycles for millions of years.
The only companies I would recommend here are Zen Tarwegrass, Garden of Life, and Hippocrates Life Give. Garden of Life has a good priced options.