Mind Body Spirit and Environment as one
ENVIRONMENT: To look at our health in relation to and to our environment is a vast subject. The educator has many items and programs that work with this - us, and our environment.
I have been experimenting, learning, and working with many facets of this for many years. In Germany these days we have institutes and proper education on many of these levels - it is called Building Biologie. There are machines to measure electrosmog, mold, geopathic disturbance, and there are solutions.
Some things are highly recommendable.
A Healthy clean organised energetically alive environment can make all the difference...!
There are many things we can do. We can consider investigating stressors coming from geopathic disturbances, EMF and dealing with them, making our sleeping areas safe and sound.
We can cut away toxic building materials and start using wool, lime, wood, clay, ecological non toxic paints and finishes.
We can do a full house Rosewater cleaning. This is an Amazing relatively unknown way to massively regenerate indoor spaces.
We can do Subspace treatments with these devices on any kind of "matter". That means land, houses, rooms... These sessions turned out to be quite powerful and transformative.
We ought to spend some time reflecting and studying the toxicity of many household items we take for granted. Maybe tiredness and allergies can be solved be eradicating toxicity from our direct environment.
We can learn and ask for help with creating spaces that support health, clarity, creativity, and strength.
In Germany there have been serious studies based on ancient traditions such as Dowsing, Vastu, and others. These combined with High Tech Devices and solutions for modern-day problems on levels of Radiation, Toxicity, and quality of life: - A new branch of building and Environmental knowledge, study and solutions was born called: Building Biology.
Caroline Myss talks about our Energetic physiology & health which is mostly intertwined with our surroundings. More information by clicking on the pictures below.
Drinking excellent water makes a big difference for us. Water is essential to life, as is oxygen. Exercise is a great way for us to increase the oxygen flow in our body.
Water is very sensitive. It adapts to feelings, vibrations, emotions and thoughts. Good water absorbs well, our body uses it and we can detox well.
´´Thick´´ tap water full of rests of chemicals, dirt and additives like chlorine is not very easy for our bodies to work with. Many of us walk around with some sort of chronic dehydration.
Only on encountering a real nice water we will right away see... our body starts drinking and drinking! Times have changed.. in order for us to have good clean non plastic bottled water.. we need to think in directions of real good Filtersystems.
After loads of research and testing of many filters I would only recommend any product from Mister Wassers filter units.. or if too expensive try Ewo filters from Austria for a smaller budget.

Subspace Treatment on inanimate Objects
Inanimate or living Objects - A place, house or Land
The devices work with vibration, frequency and quantum mechanics. Basically all matter is energy, its is alive, it is light. The Subspace therapy on a living object has proven itself to be within the range of clearings and spiritual healing. It is effective and transformative. It brings balance into all aspects and essence of the object.
Obviously then the same is true when one works on a house, space, place or land. Besides working on the rebalancing part it helps to restore the natural crystal grid of the earth. One can do also do a subspace treatment on a specific issues like mould or bad, stuck emotional energy. These can of sessions can have a strong and deep effect, it put things in motion that will show itself over a longer period of time.
For more information read the Subspace books written by Nelson.
Other subsequent methods related to land and house are: Herbal smoke treatments, the traditional Orgon generators, or to use dowsing to find geopathic disturbances and solutions coming from that knowledge (which connects to solutions coming from the roman and Greek empires). All findings by Reich and Tesla. Modern day science coming from building biology technology and for example a deep clearing, cleansing with Rosewater (highly recommended!). The relation between quantum physics, religion and normal day life are as obvious as eating and drinking water for some cultures still existing today, as for example for the people in the heartlands of Tamil Nadu.