Can biofeedback help Cancer
Can biofeedback be helpful with cancer or any other severe diseases?
As any healthy, loving, balancing, or energy restoring therapy for our mental, emotional, or physical being, Quantum biofeedback can be supportive. It does raise our life energy or enhance our electric magnetic frequency, recharging our batteries.
In an almost magical way the body learns with quantum biofeedback. By stress-or reduction, pain management, immune stimulation, release trauma, or working with resistance - it does invoke movement toward a deep internal balancing.
It can deepen a possibility and willingness to change, to bring more acceptance and forgiveness into our lives, change, oxygen into our tissues, love towards ourselves.
Altogether, this may be a great support for our body, spirit, mind, and environment to regenerate and heal, faster.
Biofeedback therapy, therefore, is excellent as a complementary therapy for cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. Biofeedback cannot stop cancer. It cannot cure cancer either but it can provide a cancer patient with the ability to reduce their stress, muscle tension, and pain, stimulating the body's innate capacity to heal faster.
Quantum Biofeedback, using the SCIO or its brother devices can be effective in releasing stress and memory of stress stored as mental, physical, or energetical repeating, reoccurring Trauma.
Trauma may affect many levels of being, our cells, thus tissue.
Quantum Biofeedback has a capacity to help the body to de-charge, undo this "stress" stored in our tissue, cells, or electrical energetic fields. The NLP-emotional growth program can do special sessions focussing on this.

Other helping hands, hope, inspiration, and research.
There are so much helping hands these days available when we suddenly find ourselves with an unexpected illness and helplessness of what to do. Besides regular and alternative medicine and working on strength and health, as through places like Hippocrates Institute, perhaps the links below could serve as beacons of knowledge, hope, peace and inspiration. For me, Dr Leonard Laskow approach is beautiful and if for you it feels good, the second video below has a very pleasant guided meditation..and an introduction to his findings.
Video interviews, movies and documentaries on health,
life and humans
These days there seems to be a war going on between a mainly pharmaceutical, billion-dollar industry against many doctors, people, discoveries, clinics, both alternative or regular. Why?
It is a sad fact, we better start working together and its gonna be a challenge. Our planet, our species are challenged, our belief systems are being challenged. We fail to see what is in one, is on the whole, and visa versa.
Unfortunately our media is so vast and insane these days that no one can seem to see anymore what's going on, but why not.
Rubert Sheldrake wrote a beautiful book on what´s the main problem or challenge here.
These days those who come with hope and breakthroughs in fields of healing, science, or medicine, once known, are most often attacked and cracked down with negativity and hate. what's going on?
Personally I found a lot of inspiration and knowledge on many levels through loads of different approaches.
Even though the TTAC approach is not at all my style, there are many very interesting interviews in those series, that can be hopeful and helpful.
Germanic New
"Science and findings based on the discoveries research and theories of the perhaps highly underestimated
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, founder of the gnm"
- Germanic New Medicine