"Receiving Quantum Biofeedback sessions from Eductor
changed my life... a lot more energy, more active, healthier
more conscious.
it made me a happier being, healthier, and energized. It is a very conscious process. and
Sessions with Educator has been very good for me both mentally and physically,
What I like a lot, is that it's not just some external therapy, but it somehow involves me deeply in the session and process. It's like you have an appointment with yourself that gently washes away stress. I get more space to start to take my own responsibility, so it brings light and awareness into my life.
The relaxation is obvious and doubtless, during the nights after I often have beautiful dreams and wake up the next day feeling very well-rested.
I am in a period of one year, visually more strong, had a second hip operation and no one had a quicker recovery than me. I lost all allergies, and have a lot less pain in the joints and from arthritis. I am feeling much more energy.
and all that has an upward going mode, feeling better I can do more sport, have less pain, I feel more energy to eat good healthy life-giving food. more strength to not indulge in addictions or habits that rob energy etc.
nothing is apart from each other. one thing helps the next.
I am more relaxed, joyous, and more open.
At 70 years old, most people think I am not even 60.
I could continue but for now, this would be enough. "
-Marije Lameijer, 70 years old.
´´The session I received with Michael has comforted me physically and spiritually.
It was the first time I received this kind of therapy and it seemed wonderful.
I have felt it is difficult to explain ... it is a sensation that I have only had in meditation. A fullness and well-being in my whole being. Thanks Michael´´
- Rita, 33 years old. Lanzarote
´´Sessions with Machiel and this technology bring me very close to a place deep inside where I am strong clear and balanced, it feels that sessions make me stronger. Building up the immune system and connecting me with my inner peace and inspirration like goals, joy and purpose. its something very special and unique. Sessions leave me whole balanced and feeling good.´´
- Robert, 36 years old. Uruguay
``Qbiofeedback sessions gives me more balance and not at least a brighter view about unconscious things of 'myself'. This insight/awareness generates a finer sensualisation/ awareness about whats going on in this bunch of well organized frequencies called a body. I take more responsibility for all 'my doings' /expressions. So more ownership of this manifestation.``